• Transformadores usados com garantia
• Transformadores a seco e a óleo
• Limpeza geral
• Secagem em estufa
• Revisão geral
• Testes no relé de temperatura
• Testes nos sensores de temperatura
• Reparo de oxidação do núcleo
• Ensaios de rotina NBR 5356/11 (11 ensaios)
• Laudo - indicará se o transformador está apto ou não para energização
• Substituição das bobinas de baixa tensão
• Substituição da instrumentação (quando aplicável)
The Code of Conduct is the document that aims to guide our behavior, the way of being and acting, respecting individual and cultural differences. The information contained in this Code of Conduct is mandatory and must always be observed and practiced by all employees, suppliers, customers and third parties, without hierarchical distinction.
Aware of the commitment to global trends to provide workers with adequate conditions in the work environment and to demonstrate respect for the requirements defined in Standard SA 8000, which consist of:
Child Labor - The Company does not engage in or support the use of child labor throughout its production chain and will report whenever children are found working.
Forced Labor - The Company is not involved in and does not support the use of forced labor. Workers do not have their documents withheld nor are they required to make deposits as a condition for admission.
Safety and Health - The Company provides a safe and healthy work environment, which includes access to drinking water, clean bathrooms, safety equipments and training for use, taking appropriate measures to prevent accidents and damage to the health of employees.
Freedom of Association and Right to Collective Bargaining - The Company respects the right of workers to form and join unions, as well as to negotiate collectively, ensuring that there are no retaliation whatsoever.
Discrimination - The Company does not tolerate discrimination based on race, social class, nationality, religion, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, union membership or political affiliation.
Disciplinary Practices - The Company prohibits corporal and mental punishments, physical coercion or verbal abuse towards workers.
Working Hours - The Company respects the working hours established by legislation or by the Collective Agreements of the Unions representing its workers.
Remuneration - The Company must pay its employees in accordance with the legislation established and/or ratified by the Collective Agreement of Unions representing its workers.
Combating Corruption - Employees cannot accept and offer gifts or advantages, in their name or that of their family, that compromise their professional situation and the Company's objectives.
Conduct is expected from employees who act ethically and with integrity, based on the values of BLUTRAFOS Blumenau Transformadores Ltda, listening and considering new ideas, different opinions, questions and arguments that represent a way of learning and improving processes.
Valuing People - BLUTRAFOS believes that its employees are a fundamental part of its success, which is why it encourages their continuous development. Managers must use meritocracy to promote the professional development of their team.
Diversity - Any form of discrimination regarding race, age, gender, color, nationality, religion, sexual preference, physical or mental disability and/or any other classification protected by law is not permitted.
Transparency in relations - BLUTRAFOS considers transparency with its employees and the entire public with which it interacts to be a fundamental pillar for building an environment of trust and mutual responsibility.
Moral or Sexual Harassment – Any type of moral, sexual harassment or any offensive or embarrassing conduct that causes moral damage to the employee is not tolerated.
Child Labor - BLUTRAFOS bases its principles of conduct on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Child and Adolescent Statute, not allowing the use of child labor.
Alcoholic Drinks and Illicit Drugs - It is not permitted to consume or be under the influence of alcoholic drinks and/or illicit drugs during the workday. Smoking is also not permitted inside the company.
Honourable Posture - Whether internally or externally to the company's premises, such as participating in training, events or other situations in which they are representing Blutrafos or wearing the Company's uniform, the employee's conduct must be compatible with BLUTRAFOS' values, honoring the principles expressed here.
Company Assets - Each employee is responsible for ensuring the conservation of BLUTRAFOS assets. No one is allowed to appropriate company resources or use them for their own benefit.
Preserving Data - The employee must ensure and protect the information in the company's database so that it is not accessed by an unauthorized person.
Compliance - The exchange, storage or use of obscene, pornographic, violent, discriminatory, racist, defamatory content that disrespects any individual or entity, and that is contrary to BLUTRAFOS policies and values, is prohibited in all corporate media.
Informations about our products and services must be clear and truthful. Informations about products sold, safety, health and environmental requirements will be respected and informed to customers.
BLUTRAFOS does not discriminate against customers, whether by their places of origin, economic level or location. However, it reserves the right to terminate any commercial relationship when it represents a legal, social, environmental risk. Also, when the analysis indicates any possibility of risk to Blutrafos' financial austerity or the business/commercial transaction is not in accordance with the Blutrafos' values, or Blutrafos' service capacity do not make it possible to achieve it, and the company reserves the right not to disclose the analysis and its results.
Information from our customers and suppliers must be collected, processed and stored, according to the needs and purposes of the business, making sure that they are only shared with people involved in the process and/or authorized, ensuring respect and compliance with the 13,709/2018 Law (General Data Protection Regulation - GDPR).
BLUTRAFOS business must be guided by compliance with municipal, state and federal laws that govern the business and the company's Values, and it is up to all employees and others involved to ensure compliance.
BLUTRAFOS suppliers must be evaluated using clear and non-discriminatory criteria. Every decision must have technical and economic support, with no favoritism of any other nature permitted.
BLUTRAFOS suppliers must act in accordance with the principles of this Code of Conduct.
In compliance with the Regulation of Law 12,846/13 (“Anti-Corruption Law”), which requires transparency measures in relations with the public sector or any national or foreign government sphere, BLUTRAFOS declares to be aware of and in accordance with anti-corruption legal and ethical standards. In particular with the prohibition of bribery practices by their representatives or by third parties related to them, targeting public administration officials, national or foreign, private companies or individuals, regardless of the amount involved, not making any type of payment, donation, gift, entertainment, transportation, sponsorship, charitable donation, among others, which may be characterized as bribes, kickbacks or even promising, offering or giving, directly or indirectly, any undue advantage to secure business with companies interested in purchasing our products.
The practice of any act described above will result in internal penalties, without prejudice to legal penalties
Employees are prohibited from making any contribution in value, goods or services to political campaigns or causes on behalf of BLUTRAFOS, except upon resolution of the company's Board of Directors. Any contribution authorization will be made in accordance with current legislation and expressly.
BLUTRAFOS respects an employee's individual right to engage in civic affairs and participate in the political process. However, such participation must take place in your free time, at your expense and without being linked to the name of the company or its representatives. The employee must make it clear that the statements are theirs and not from BLUTRAFOS.
BLUTRAFOS respects and recognizes the role that Associations and Professional Entities play in its business. Negotiations and dialogue with these partners must only be carried out by formally authorized people.
With these guidelines, the Company identifies and reinforces its commitment to ethics and promotes awareness on the topic.
OReporting Channel is a tool adopted by the company's management, as a way of expanding our commitment to transparency and ethics. Blutrafos protects against any form of retaliation for those who, in good faith, report irregularities. This is an independent, confidential and impartial tool and is available to Blutrafos' external and internal audiences. You can report:
• Harassment
• Conflict of Interest
• Corruption
• Discrimination
• Fraud
• Money laundering
• Other irregularities
Complaints can be sent to email: compliance@blutrafos.com.br, or make an anonymous report using the form on the side. The receipt of which is confidential and restricted to the Advisory Board.
Any type of action or omission contrary to the law, internal regulations and the precepts of the Code of Conduct, Ethics and Internal Regulations that may cause harm to Blutrafos, its employees and collaborators and other stakeholders can be reported through this channel.< /p>
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